Mark Zilberquit: Honorary Academician Celebrates His Anniversary

On May 30, 2023, a solemn ceremony was held at the Russian Academy of Arts, where the founder of our site, Dr. Mark Zilberquit, was awarded the title of Honorary Academician. Among other things, he is the creator and head of several philanthropic foundations, a public figure, author of several books and numerous publications on musical art. The president of the Academy, the well-known artist, sculptor and architect Zurab Tsereteli handed Dr. Zilberquit the Academician’s personal medal and diploma.

On June 6, Mark Zilberquit spoke at the inauguration of the Sholom Aleichem monument, erected on his initiative at the campus of Tel Aviv University, as well as at the presentation of our website to the faculty members and students. On June 9, he celebrated his 80th birthday. The team of our site wishes him good health and further creative success!