Linguist’s Review of Beregovsky’s Index

Opera Musicologica, the academic journal of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, has published a review of the book Moisei Beregovsky: Biobiographical Index produced under the auspices of our project. Beregovsky (1892 – 1961) was a great Soviet Jewish folklorist often considered the foremost ethnomusicologist of Eastern European Jewry.
The reviewer, Dr. Larissa Naidich, is a professor of linguistics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The book’s compiler, Dr. Evgenia Khazdan, is a well known musicologist based in St. Petersburg.
The review’s author notes that the book contains convenient indexes, and that its significance goes far beyond the biobiographical material on the life and work of one individual musicologist. Naidich writes: “One can say with confidence that today no researcher of the Ashkenazi Jewish musical tradition will pass by this Index compiled by Evgenia Khazdan.”
Dr. Naidich emphasizes that the book can also be useful for linguists studying the Yiddish language. We are happy to remind our readers that the electronic version of the bilingual (Russian and English) book on Moisei Beregovsky is publicly available on our web portal and, thanks to the availability of the entire text in English, is accessible to a wide readership in different countries.