New Recordings by Psoy Korolenko

The renowned musician Psoy Korolenko and the New York Yiddishist organization Workers Circle (Arbeter-Ring) shared exclusively with us two videos, published now for the first time on the video channel of our website. In one of the videos, Korolenko performs the song “O, ir kleyne likhtelekh” (“Oh, you little candles”), written by the composer Herman-Zvi Ehrlich to the lyrics of Morris Rosenfeld. In the second clip the musucian recites Leib Naidus’ Yiddish translation of Alexander Pushkin’s poem “Winter Evening”.

Rosenfeld (1862-1923) and Naidus (1890-1918) were major Yiddish poets. Psoy Korolenko is a well-known contemporary performer of Jewish songs and promoter of the Yiddish language. In 2019, together with the Canadian researcher Anna Shternshis, he was nominated for a Grammy Award for the project Yiddish Glory based on Yiddish songs composed during WWII.