Site News: Archive of Sovetish Heymland

The editors of our site are pleased to announce the opening of a new large section: The archive of the legendary Soviet Yiddish magazine Sovetish Heymland. It is still work in progress; at the moment, the available issues cover the period from 1961 to 1965. On our website you can also read about the history of this wonderful periodical. The publication of the magazine’s full archive on the Internet is planned to be completed in the second half of 2024.

The Sovetish Heymland digitization is carried out by the Heritage Project Foundation (USA) and the Yiddish Culture Preservation Foundation (Israel) on the initiative of their founder, Dr. Mark Zilberquit. The project’s partner is the publishing house Knizhniki (Russia). Financial assistance is provided by Academician Grigory Roitberg, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Jewish Congress.