Bilingual Edition of Joseph Kerler’s Poetry

May 23, 2023. The American publishing house White Goat Press, which specializes in translations from Yiddish, has published a bilingual volume of selected poems by the famous Yiddish poet Joseph Kerler (1918–2000) in both the original and in Maia Evrona’s English translation. Evrona is an English-language poet known for her translations of Yiddish poetry, including works of Abraham Sutzkever, Anna Margolin, Celia Dropkin and Malka Li published in literary magazines. Her translations in the new collection are accompanied by original poems by Joseph Kerler. The new book’s preface was written by the poet’s son, Prof. Dov-Ber Kerler, a philologist who also writes poetry in Yiddish under the pseudonym Boris Karloff.