Site News: Yidishland Magazine Archive

We are happy to offer our site’s readers a unique treasure, which all lovers and students of Yiddish will appreciate: the archive of the quarterly magazine Yidishland. This is the only literary magazine in today’s world published entirely in Yiddish in the traditional paper form. On our website you can also read about the history of Yidishland, which recently celebrated its 5th anniversary.

Our team expresses gratitude to the founders of this wonderful periodical, Velvl Chernin and Mikhoel Felsenbaum, for their decision to make available all issues of Yidishland, expect for the most recent ones published during the last year, exclusively on our website for interactive reading and downloading. There is also an option to link individual pages of the magazine on social networks. In Yidishland you will find real marvels of both historical and modern literature written in Yiddish.